Thursday, 26 March 2015

The Uncanny Valley

The uncanny is something that is usually more mysterious and disturbing, rather than surprising. I find an uncanny likeness to be a similarity that is strange and not complete. This is why twins can give an uncanny effect.
The 'Uncanny Valley' posited by Masahiro Mori in 1970, is a diagram that I think explains the uncanny very well. The more realistic a cartoon becomes, the more you notice the gap between it being real. Cubo girl looks very realistic, but doesn't look it when moving, giving an uncanny effect. You don't tend to notice this with cartoons such as the Simpsons, as it is not meant to look realistic, so it is not seen as strange.

Josef Albers, Stencil, 1925

We was shown the stencil components of Josef Albers typeface (1925) and was given an optional task of constructing our name out of as few of these components as we can. My first thoughts was that this would be very difficult as they are very simple shapes.

I am pleased with my outcome of this task as I feel that my name is clearly readable. However, I struggled with using as few components as I could, I felt that there wasn't a way of making it any simpler, unless it became harder to read.
I think that the original typeface has quite a lot of similarities to the name that I have constructed. However I feel that it is also a lot cleaner and simpler than my version.
Overall, I enjoyed this task and found it quite challenging.


Friday, 20 March 2015

Signifying Absence

Absence is a lack of presence of something or someone. I think that footprints are one of the biggest indexical signs of this as they indicate that a person was once in this place and also show the direction in which they went, giving the same signal as an arrow or somebody pointing. I feel that the absence from footprints are amplified because of the eerie feel it brings, you can sense the lack of presence more than if there was nothing there at all..

Rachel Whiteread, Ghost 
Casting is another method of signifying absence. The positive attributes are removed and leave the negative of an object, this is when we can see the absence of the object. I find this quite uncanny as even though you are looking at a solid object in front of you, it signifies to you that there is nothing.
A particular argument that intrigued me in Anna's seminar was whether a blank canvas or piece of paper is a picture of nothing or just nothing at all. When I would normally look at it I would usually see nothing at all, but this argument has opened my eyes to think it could mean either. I don't think there is a particular right or wrong answer as it just depends on how an individual perceives it.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Logo Design Workshop

In the Logo Design workshop we learnt what the process is like of designing logos for a client. We was given 3 briefs from clients to choose from. I decided to choose the brief which I felt the most interested in which was logo design for a juice/coffee bar aimed at a young audience. I began by generating name ideas for the juice bar.
I then took a few of the name ideas to draw some quick, rough design ideas for the logos.

I began to develop a few of these designs in which I am quite pleased with. If it was to continue with this brief I would develop them further.